Pip and Pap Phonics Workshop - Year 1

Year 1 Parents and Pupils enjoyed reading Green Phase Pip and Pap Book "The Portrait" together yesterday, as part of their phonics workshop!

In the Green Phase, we start to look at new spellings for sounds we already know. Pupils recapped the grapheme phoneme correspondences in the story, before reading the book to their parents.

They looked at:

'oy' pronounced /oi/ - in words such as annoying, joy and enjoy

'aw' pronounced /or/ - in words such as gawps, drawing and jaw

'ir' pronounced /ur/ - in words such as chirping, blackbird and twirl

'ue' pronounced /y+oo/ or /oo/ - in words such as statue, tissue and hues

In the story, Doc creates a portrait of her friend Moya and makes her a cup of coffee. Pupils and parents talked together about the dangers of making hot drinks and what to do in the event of burning yourself.

Then, they worked together to create their own portraits, using paper plates - aren't they lovely?

We run Pip and Pap Phonics workshops every other week at Holy Family - ask your child's class teacher or the office for more details!


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