Year R Family workshops!

Year R had a splendid time with their parents at the most recent of our Pip and Pap Family workshops!

In this session, children read the story "The Rocket Dock," which features the GPCs /ck/ /e/ /u/ and /r/. Children sounded out words such as 'rocket', 'tickets', 'Mum', 'red' and 'inspects' to read the story to their grown up!

In this tale, Tisp sneaks Gop the pig sneaks onto the rocket! Mum is not best pleased!

After reading the story together, children and parents created their own 'Gop the Pig' masks, using pink tissue paper and paper plates. 

Look out for more Pip and Pap workshops happening soon to support your child with reading - all welcome!


Pip and Pap Phonics update:


Eat them to Defeat Them!