Year 5

We have been very busy in Year 5, from Bikeability to Roman Numerals, spooky stories, becoming detectives and National Poetry Day! We have been working so hard!

In Maths, we have been learning our Roman Numerals with the help of a song which the children love and know ALL of the actions to! We have been building on their year 4 knowledge by starting to work out larger Roman Numerals including years of significant events!

In English, we have added the finishing touches to our spooky stories. The children learnt how to control the tension of their writing to make the reader feel nervous and curious throughout their writing.

Detective time! In History, we were investigating the unsolved mystery of the disappearance of the 'Princes in the Tower' in 1483!' The children got so involved and were able to back up their theories with historical evidence. We started to think about how reliable the sources were, based on who wrote them because, as we know, history is often written by the victors! We also analysed the discovery of Richard III's body from 2013 which helped us to understand how he was defeated at the Battle of Bosworth by Henry Tudor (VII).

National Poetry Day! On Thursday, the children created poems based on the theme of the environment. We showcased our talents through rhyming couplets and concrete poems. We did not stop there ;we then performed them for the rest of the class!

Finally, the children have been participated in 'Bikeability'! We have had some children start their journey of riding a bike to others who have been out on the roads, understanding how to stay safe. The instructors were so impressed by their progress and listening skills!


Inter House Knowledge Competition


Year 4