In Year 1

In Year 1 this term we have been making super progress in addition and subtraction. We can use cubes, number lines and hundred squares to count forwards or backwards for each operation. In writing, we enjoyed our Pirates topic and created some brilliant descriptions of pirates and islands. See the photos of us using our senses to imagine what we might find on an island! Now we are exploring the story Lost and Found and creating found posters for the penguin. We can confidently use adjectives and conjunctions in our sentences.

On Fridays we have a Big Story Share. We have been reading well-loved traditional fairy tales and have had tremendous fun retelling the story to each other, acting out the story and talking about the story. Here we are exploring and retelling Jack and the Beanstalk.

Throughout this year, Year 1 are going to be exploring the different seasons during our science lessons. Recently, we went on a nature walk around our school grounds to see if we could use our senses to help us understand which season we are currently in. Look at the pictures below to see some of the clues we found. Can you guess which season we are in?

Using these clues, we then made an informed guess as to which season we are currently in. We guessed Autumn! Here are some of the guesses we made below.

“I think it is Autumn because we could hear crunchy leaves on the ground.” Emaline

“We could see brown leaves on the trees and they were falling on the floor. I think it is Autumn.” An Marie

“We could hear the leaves rustling in the wind. It is Autumn.” Toby

“I think it is Autumn because we could see children wearing coats as it was cold outside.” Elijah

During our nature walk, we also collected items which remind us of Autumn. We used these to create mini Autumnal windows. We had lots of fun making these and displaying them in our classrooms.

We are really looking forward to our next season walk. Which season will be next?


Wednesday Word


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