Year 1

Our Year 1 children have been have been enjoying many new learning opportunities and challenges this half term so far! 

We discovered some evidence and destruction to some poor vegetables around the school this week … it was Evil Pea! We have taken on the mission of hunting him down before he can cause any more trouble. We have been given the challenge to create a comic strip to expose his crimes and bring justice to the helpless vegetables!

In Science, we have been exploring some of God’s creations in our environment with a focus on trees and plants. We will be learning about the different parts of trees and plants and how they function. We will be discovering how each part has it’s own important job in helping trees and plants grow and stay alive. Last half term, we helped our school gardener plant some vegetables and flowers. These very plants will help us in our learning this half term as we dissect and investigate their anatomy even more closely.

We can’t wait to tell you about what we have learnt!


Wednesday Word


Wednesday Word