Year 2 Blog

It might be getting cold outside but in Year 2 our learning has been red hot.

Geography - Rainforest

It might be cold in England but one place that has the warmth that we all need right now - is the Amazon Rainforest. The children have been emerging through the undergrowth and searching the canopies for knowledge about rainforests. We have understood the different animals that call this dense jungle home. As well as, understanding that there are different parts of the rainforest. We've done some TREE-mendous learning this term and I'm sure this will STICK with us when we LEAVE year two.


Science - Habitats

There are many different places that people call home - flats, houses, caravans, bungalows and house boats? But this term we have been looking at the different climates that animals live in. We found out about the p-p-polar region where we found out how animals don't need to wear a coat due to their adaptations. We also focused on other climates from humid, thick tropics and animals kept from sweating all day long. After all, we can't all just put suncream on .


The Day the Crayons Quit

Do you ever think that you take things for-granted? How would you feel if something that you took for-granted suddenly disappeared from your life? What if you lost a pencil, a glue stick, even a disregarded ruler. In Year 2, we have been thinking about the things that we take for granted, especially after Miss Spencer-Turner, Miss Allen and Miss Colvill treated our resources with such carelessness. In response to their disrespectful behaviour, we wrote letters to these destructive teachers and gave them one last chance before the stationary pack up their pencil cases and walk out forever. Hopefully writing the letters changed their arrogant ways before it's too late.


As you can see we've been doing so much but we've only just started. As there is much more where that came from.


Year 2


Year R Pip and Pap Parent Workshop


Partnership Reading Ambassador Trip