Year 1 blog

Our Year 1 children have been have been enjoying many new learning opportunities and challenges this half term so far! 

We were challenged to enter a competition like no other … to compete and win the title of the BEST super vegetable in Holy Family School. We took on the challenge and designed our own powerful super vegetable. We then developed our persuasive techniques to give us the best chance of being a successful competition winner. Look out … we are now experts in the art of persuasion!

In DT, we have been using our History knowledge of the features of castles. This helped us to design and create a protective castle within our groups. We worked hard to plan and think about what materials and joining mechanisms would be suitable for each feature to ensure the structure was strong and sturdy. We were very successful … see our photos of our amazing castles!

All of our Year 1 children were amazing during sports day! They were respectful, resilient, super supportive of one another and worked well within their teams.  We are so proud!

We can’t wait to tell you about what we have learnt!


Pip and Pap Phonics


Zumba for Zambia!